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Broadening perspectives: Higher Education event
18 November 2021
Alasdair Robertson from Queen Mary University of London spoke about applying to dentistry and medicine
This week, our lower sixth students had their Higher Education afternoon - part of our commitment to supporting and informing our students progression from Woodhouse into university and the world of work. Our careers department did an amazing job of inviting guests speakers from dozens of universities and organisations, and our students were able to hear three lectures each, to help them consider their next steps. Over 80 lectures were delivered across the afternoon.
Katherine Pagett from University of Birmingham asked students 'Is University right for me?'
Roxana, previously from Woodside High School, said "I found the law degree lecture by QMUL really interesting as it broadened my perspective on the law degree I want to do at uni. I found out that I can do an LLB global law degree instead of just the LLB law, and get experience of going abroad and learning different types of law. I also found one of the personal statement lectures very interesting, because I want to get into a competitive university.
I was planning on going to UCL but found Leicester had an interesting perspective on things and there’s also the other Russell Group universities that I could try out for. The afternoon just kind of expanded my vision of what I could do in the future - and showed me how to get there."
Roxana is studying A level law, English literature and art at Woodhouse.
Dr Sathiskumar Anusuya Ponnusami - Lecturer in Structural Mechanics at City, University of London - gave a lecture on Mechanical Aeronautical Engineering
Annice Abanda from ASK gave students an 'Introduction to Apprenticeships'
Nandini, an A level French, English literature and Art student who joined Woodhouse from The Archer Academy, said "I thought the University of Essex talk on languages and linguistics was most interesting and useful, and it helped me discover a lot more options that I hadn’t really considered before. I also heard talks on creative degrees by the SAE Institute, and creative writing and English by Dr A J Dalton from Middlesex University."
The guest speaker from UCL discussed 'Applying to UCL and other competitive universities'
Student Arseniy, who is studying A level politics, sociology and english literature, said "HE afternoon was very useful for me. I got to hear about applying to UCL and it got me quite excited for it because they talked about the many opportunities and aspects of life at UCL. I want to study international relations and politics but the afternoon also allowed me to look at other subjects, to make sure that I know I’m doing the correct course for me. Overall, I think it was amazing because I got to talk directly to teachers and lecturers from the actual universities and get their perspective - which is much better than just looking at a website."
Dr Isabel Crespí and Professor John London from QMUL asked 'Why study modern languages?'
Jay, who came to us from Whitefriars School, said “I listened to the languages talk by QMUL. I thought it was really intriguing because it opened my eyes to the variety of options that I could take with languages and I found out that I could study up to three different languages that I’ve never learnt before. I also heard a law talk by the University of Leicester, where previously I didn’t think that I would choose to go there but now I think that it could be an option. They told us that the university had rejected an offer to join the Russell Group to avoid the ‘elitist’ brand and that made me realise there are lots of universities that are just as good as the ‘higher class’ones.”
Jay is studying A level French, English literature and philosophy at Woodhouse.
95% of our students progress to university after leaving Woodhouse. We are experts in advice and support for university applications and have staff dedicated to help students with UCAS and personal statements. Our careers department hold one-to-one sessions with all students to help with choices and we regularly have visiting universities on site, giving out degree specific information and lecturing in subject areas. We have our own law, medicine, architecture and other academies, as well as being part of the Career Ready programme, to support applications with insider knowledge, and we help dozens of our students apply to Oxbridge every year.
Many thanks to all of the guest speakers who helped make this year's Higher Education afternoon such a success.
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