The Appeals Process

As explained below, an appeal may be made against a decision reached by the Admissions Team once the selection process has been completed.
Stage One
The applicant or the applicant’s parent/carer should contact college admissions in writing, outlining their concerns and the issues they wish the College to address. This will be dealt with by the Assistant Principal, Curriculum, who will review the selection procedure or other relevant information. S/he will then contact the applicant or their parent/carer to discuss their findings by telephone within ten working days of receiving the appeal.
Stage Two
If the applicant is not satisfied with the explanation given or the outcome of stage one, the applicant or parent/carer should write a formal letter to the Vice Principal within ten working days of being told of the outcome. The Vice Principal will review the steps taken by the Assistant Principal, Curriculum, contact the applicant and their parents/carers should any clarification be necessary, and respond to the appeal in writing within ten working days.
Stage Three
Should the applicant and their parents be dissatisfied with the outcomes of stage two, the parents/carers should contact the Principal in writing within ten working days of being informed of the outcome. The Principal will review the documentation from stage one and stage two and the steps taken by the Vice Principal.  He may also meet with the applicant and their parent/carer. The Principal will put his/her decision in writing and this would be sent to the applicant’s parents/carers within ten working days. The Principal’s decision is final.
NB: Working days are defined for the purpose of this procedure as week days during the College term.