Our ethos and values

The College is committed to being the best it can be, to providing education of the highest quality, to teaching and learning that meets the needs of every individual. The College puts students and their needs first. We seek to empower our young people in their transition to adulthood, to take advantage of opportunities and to create their own. We hold each individual to be of the utmost significance in our community. In order to provide this level of opportunity to students, we strive to encourage improvement, reflection and ‘growth’ among students and our staff. Training, giving and receiving feedback, coaching and mentoring all have roles to play.
We try at all times to be open and self-critical, to avoid being defensive. We encourage feedback and the identification of areas of poor performance from students, parents, staff, governors and members of the public; and we seek to use these as an opportunity to engage in dialogue and to improve quality. We believe in the values of honesty, integrity and community; and that working hard can and should be its own reward.
The College is committed to equality and diversity. We are a secular college, based on liberal British values such as intellectual enquiry, scepticism, and respect for those with different beliefs. As such, the College values the rich diversity of its community. Regarding equality, we place a priority on awareness raising in relation to ethnicity, gender and sexual identity, because racism, misogyny and homophobia are pervasive in contemporary culture. We aim to equip our young people so that they can overcome barriers and challenge prejudice and discrimination when they encounter them.