Back to normal(ish) - but better

Dated: 10 September 2021

Ice cream in the photo booth - at WoodFest!  
It's been a busy start to the new term, with a very welcome return to a more normal day for students than they have been used to for the past 18 months.
Of course Covid is still with us, and we still had to start the college year with mass testing of all students, but once that formality was out of the way it was great to welcome our new lower sixth to the Woodhouse way of life, with a slew of induction activities.
Ice-breakers, orientation activities, face-to-face assemblies (remember those!) and two freshers fairs - one to highlight our extensive student service programs and another to advertise the dozens of student run societies that take place each year.
All the fun of the 'Fest...
And to round off induction - and bring the whole year group together - an afternoon of joyous fun... WoodFest!
Bouncy castles, an outdoor photo booth, football, music, garden games, refreshments in the Quad (the watermelon being a big hit on such a sunny day), a popcorn machine, ice cream van and even a candy floss stall.
 You're never too old for candy floss
 The physics of architecture being tested to their limits... 
Principal Sugra Alibhai said "It was a real joy to see students welcomed back in this way. WoodFest was an opportunity for students to (re)connect after what has been a really challenging 18 months.
A real highlight was seeing the student society stalls buzzing. It felt very much like a fresher week opportunity at university!
A huge thank you to all the staff involved in organising and running this great event."
 Upper sixth - back at college and loving it
And our returning upper sixth students didn't miss out either. Last term their end of year celebrations had to be shelved due to continuing social distancing precautions. But this week they got to start the year with their own 'WoodFest2' and meet up with their friends for an afternoon of fun in the sun too. Something we have all waited a long time to do.
The later part of the week really was back to normal, with students back in the classroom and our lower sixths getting to know their new teachers, timetables and course specifications. There is a very busy year ahead of them, but what a great way to start it.
Student Moulika said "It was a really enjoyable afternoon. Thank you for organising this!" 
Some student were head over heels about returning to college... 

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